Where to begin ... wellll... let's start with this crazy Twilight phenomenon that has swept the nation. Mind you, I'm not a big fan of vampires, but I did find myself thoroughly enjoying the movie. I have yet to read the books, but Mikayla has already read all four in the series and has been bugging me to read them. She is a voracious reader (just like her Mama back in the day), and she read these books in a time span of not more than 3 weeks.

We never did make it to the theater to watch the movie, so I took her and a friend to the DVD release party at Borders back in March. We got there about a half hour early to ensure that we'd be able to grab some good seats -- and some drinks from Starbuck's before the festivities began!
The store began to fill pretty quickly. As expected, the crowd consisted mainly of teens and some women. The crowd was split into two teams for a trivia game.
Mikayla and her friend stood on the side watching. Unfortunately, it really was quite boring and not quite the "party" we had thought it would be. I guess I envision music, decorations and, well ... ya know... PARTYING. Sadly, that was not to be. It was pretty much a yawnful so, eventually, we sauntered off to another part of the store to read some books.
All in all, we were a little disappointed with the DVD release party. After looking at some books, we decided to call it an evening and return home to watch "Twilight" on Pay-Per-View.
Before watching the movie, I had heard a pretty good mix of reviews. Some people REALLY loved the movie. Others criticized the writing and acting. Now, I'm one of those persons that normally is irked with sub-par acting. Maybe I just got sucked into the love story, but I found myself really enjoying this movie! I found myself intrigued by Edward and how cool and mysterious his character was. Okay, the whole diamond skin thing he did was kind of weird, but other than that, Edward was a pretty cool cat!
The only problem with the movie is that it's part 1 of a 4-part (for now) series, and it leaves the watcher itching for more! Oh, well ... looks like I'll be reading all 4 books sometime soon!
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