Saturday, January 3, 2009

Pushup Report for 01-03-09

Today is day 3 of the program and, so far, so good. My triceps are aching more today and my arms feel a bit weak when I raise them. It's nothing I can't tolerate right now, though.

I did a set of 50 pushups this morning and just did a second set of 50 about an hour ago (it's 9:45 pm). I did have to stop at around a 30-count with both sets, but all in all, I was pleased to see how quickly I was able to get through each set.

Right now, I'm fighting the temptation to up my total daily pushup count to 150 instead of 100. I sometimes get too anxious and can get ahead of myself, and the last thing I want to do is overexert myself, so I need to really think about this before making any changes. Keep in mind that I am doing them with bent knees (girly style). I'll give it another 2 days and, after day 5, if I find that I can manage easily enough, I will do 150 pushups per day for the remainder of the program.


Wingnut said...

Another blogger w/some great goals! Yes, jumping ahead too quickly is a recipe for disaster...resist the temptation!

Denise said...

You go girl, on the push ups!!